
OttO wins! ...a photo that even a geezer geek can live with! OttO is a person of many talents...a person who not only takes great photos but also does miracles with all things graphic! The things done by OttO with a basic blogger template are remarkable. They change with the seasons.

Now what about that geezer geek statement? Got an email from a fellow Blogging Community member who had visited a few granni39 websites; then suggested i should be the "geezer geek poster girl." Has kind of a nice ring to it, don't you think? It's giving me delusions of grandeur - no i didn't already have them!!!!!

Kudos to George, our computer club guy that just started an Adobe PhotoShop SIG! He got more than just me (i'm easily excitable) excited about using Adobe to work with our photos. The man is an artist with his camera and his computer... showed us some really remarkable work he did. He started us with "step one" - using all those tools they show on the left side of your monitor... and believe me George, that was the right place to start. Although George is working with the latest and greatest - PhotoShop 7 - most of us have PhotoShop Essentials 2 - the much less expensive program. That's perfect because there's lots to learn before we grow up and know enough to need the fancy version he has. Can hardly wait for next month! I haven't been this pumped since i started learning about using the internet!

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