
My constant companion shown here, is a finely tuned machine. I am reminded of a story our friend Larry told us recently. A noted photographer was a dinner guest of a woman who commented on his photography... 'Beautiful pictures. You must have a really expensive camera!' After dinner he patted his tummy and said, 'That was an excellent meal. You must have really good pots and pans!'

Yesterday we were on the road as evening approached. Frank stopped on the highway so i could take this photo of the moon. From the look of things, my cute little camera and i were both able to get a pretty good shot. Encouraged by this success i later tried my hand at getting a good shot of the eclipse... this without using a tripod of course.. Why? I don't know - maybe the challenge. Took loads of shots; some of them every bit as clear as my early moon shot. At the point of total eclipse however, what did i get? Many moons! I like it anyway.

For a perfect shot of the eclipse, visit OttoSite! The woman is a born photographer! But then... she IS a chip off the old block too!

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