
Well it's official now... and a bit scarey. Not having second thoughts but kind of wondering what ever possessed me. Yup, you can now address me as "Madame President" as the election of officers took place last night at the SVCA January member meeting. Since i'm married to the newly appointed (by the past president) webmaster, my first official action will be motivating him to update the website to reflect the election results.

curious innocenceTook this photo 2 weeks ago while trying to find the perfect Macro for PhotoTime's theme of the week. While taking pics, AmyLou Mae, our calico 'baby,' kept following me around so i thought, what the heck... and shot her up close and personal. She was moving - toward the camera - so here's the result... a bit fuzzy, but isn't she? The dark spot to the left is actually her nose! Don'tcha just love it?

Got word yesterday that the pork incident will finally be taken care of next month... that's right kiddies, we still have to wait another month! Let us pray. I think that's still legal in this country.

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