
Happy Halloween, fershur, fershur!

granni 39's Halloween greeting card

my livingroom...where you will find a few special links for kids!

Hi! I will be away from the internet for a few days. Yes I will suffer withdrawal but, hey! It's not a perfect world! When I'm back I will be revived, refreshed and raring to go! Don't forget to vote! If you are in Florida, Georgia, or North Carolina, vote often and vote Republican!

oooooops! I thought it said I CHOCOLATE!
Thanks OttO!


Happy Halloween!

Hi everybody! Some may know where this pic was taken; some may not. Any way... I'm sure it gets my message out to y'all!

FYI I'll be spending Halloween getting ready for total knee replacement surgery on my left knee. I'm actually looking forward to it because it's been painful most of my days for the past couple of years. This should put an end to it! Gee, do you suppose it might improve my disposition? .... nah...


granni39's solution...

to block the chipmunks and squirrels from your bird feeder... easier than you think. Looks like the rodents can't walk a clothesline! Rope is cheap; bird seed isn't. We have another feeder below these for the ground feeders (and our buddy Chip) and Chip repeatedly has it emptied in a New York minute!graphic by OttO Good thing he takes a nap when winter arrives.


Let's give dioxin a dose of science

Let's give dioxin a dose of science... need I say more? What a team! Thank you, Midland Daily News, for publishing, once again, the voice of reason! We refuse to have our homes defiled by a bunch of environutz on a mission!

Taken Thursday evening.. actually afternoon at 5:55 p.m*.... Sunset sure comes early already! This is a view from our yard looking across the road... still no neighbors there although our one neighbor plans to build next door to us on one side while on the other side he is preparing the property for sale.

*Note: Time didn't sound right so we checked and my camera time is off by 1 hour and 4 minutes, making the actual time of my sunset photo 6:59 p.m.!


Michigan Health & Safety Coalition

Gotta thank Pam for telling me about Governor Granholm's newsletter service. Today's newsletter announced she just designated a Michigan Health & Safety Coalition. I know we need to learn more about it but I just can't see how another layer of government can make our health care better or cheaper! She could make it a whole lot better by limiting or banning litigious behavior against our health care professionals.


Learn Spanish

Today OttO told us her daughter told her about BabelFish. I just blogrolled it! Thanks Alex... gee you're a smart young lady! Learn Spanish is a good website too. Not only do they offer free Spanish lessons but other free stuff too! Actually that's where I got the 'Word-a-Day' feature I keep on SalasCove..... the blog.

A variation on the subject... I'm getting mighty tired of the Kerry campaign pushing their propoganda at me in Spanish!!! Y'all know, with knee surgery two weeks away, I'm still taking Bextra to ease the arthritis pain, but it hurts anyway. There is nothing more frustrating than hobbling over to answer the phone to be greeted by 'Hola!' and many more words all in Spanish!!! Not only do I, a gringa, not speak Spanish, but neither does my husband, not a gringo. No comprehendo!!! Get it? Furthermore I'm getting sick & tired of hearing you lie and lambaste my President! I wouldn't vote for you if I was a Democrat! Comprehendo?

On a totally different subject, did you notice the featured articles on my sidebar? Found it over at Content Infusion. You get to choose... subject matter, number of headlines, picture or no picture, etc. My topic is family and pets and varies frequently. I think I like it!


Team work...

Click it...that's what it's all about! Busy 2-day weekend. Got Mike's boat, the cottage and the bunkhouse winterized and our newly acquired pontoon boat out of the water and brought her home. Thank you for all of your help Mike!!!

Was I surprised? The guys decided I should bring the boat over to the launch while they went over and prepared to receive it. What a delight! My first time alone moving her out on the water. Bundled up warm... it was cold out there baby! The only boat on the lake, cruising about singing God Bless America... anybody who heard me would have thought I was nuts!

Well she's home with us on her brand new trailer now... Frank needs to get the ugly infestation of zebra mussels off her bottom and she'll be ready to cover up and keep warm until springtime!


granni goes to Lansing

No, I didn't think about getting a picture of me with Lieutenant Governor Cherry, but as we left the conference room I saw this adorning the wall. At first I thought it was a football jersey but I guess that might be a hockey puck down in the right hand corner. Obviously Mr. Cherry is a proud father and hopefully can relate to the needs and opinions of his constituents who are parents.

Had a good meeting; was able to 'get it all out' and still made it home in time to attend our SVCA meeting. That was a good meeting too! We have a small but faithful group and they all participated in the panel discussion. If you want to know more about the Lansing meeting find it here.

Wednesday we filled the pockets of greedy gas vendors; we were on the road all day, just back and forth locally! Morning took us to Linwood where we picked up the boat trailer we purchased... home for a quicky lunch then off to Midland where an employee of Midland hospital told us we could get flu shots. They were locked and with a sign on the door... no shots available. Because Frank is 'high risk' and I will be going into the hospital (where sick people are), we both felt we need a shot so I phoned our doctor's office in Bay City. Off we went to Essexville where they have a 9-5 operation. We are both covered! Thank God... and our doctor's office.


Grumblin' Granni goes to the Capitol...

...of her state, that is. Say a little prayer for me... In a few minutes I'll be on my way to Lansing to meet with a couple of people who have affected my life. I think I'm prepared even though yesterday was abnormally full... as has been the past several weeks... oh heck! Let's just say the whole year has been full! More later. Keep the faith.


Autumn at the beach...

Color tour across the state naturally led to the Lake Michigan beaches. Loved this lonely tree in the parking lot already surrounded by drifting sands that won't be moved by humans until spring. Weather is perfect for this time of year, sunny but cool, not too windy... great for walks along the deserted shoreline as well as in the multi-colored woods.


Publish is a problem...

Wow... I made a few minor changes and tried to publish. Blogger started by getting hung up on 11%... I went out of the application to my dashboard and came back in... got hung up on 40%... so I signed out completely and came back... got hung up on 70%! Essentially I was rebooting. Decided to create a post for the day and see if publishing works better. Here goes! Wish me luck.


Happiness is... an extra pair of hands. Thank you Emilio for helping with those windows! Three down, four to go!

Not only these windows but gee it was great getting home from the lake and finding, not only a cleaned house... thanks to OttO, my regular 'cleaning lady'... but I got a bonus! Emilio came along and washed windows around the house, indoors and out! Then he trimmed back some tree branches that were taking up lots of space - and hiding the backyard view. What a difference!

Things look different, don't they? Changed to one of the new blogger formats so I have to add my links and things over on the sidebar. The old comments disappeared but Blogger comments replaced them. Looks pretty bare right now but we'll see if I want to keep this format, if I can mess with it, or not!


Good morning! Look who we saw this morning... he was curious, not frightened... although I must admit we were watching him through the window. He stayed quite a while. We snapped lots of photos. Then his mommy came and he was gone! Oh dear. Today is the first day of bow season. I hope this Bambi survives. He is just too cute.

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